The goat's raw milk cheese of the Untereggerhof in Vals which owes his name to the small, round form and the maturation in chestnut sheets. Maturation approx. 40 days in the natural cellar.
Cut cheese bovine milk, Appearance: deep brown bark, Smell: intensely, Taste and aroma: spicy - intensely salty - whisky barrel, Consistency and structure: compactly - crumbly, Maturation: approx. 60 days in empty whisky barrel
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soft cheese bovine raw milk, Appearance: small cylinders, Aroma: vegetal - animalistic, Flavour: sweetly - salty, Consistency: softy Maturation: 15 days
Soft cheese bovine and sheep milk, Appearance: flat form - wrinkled rind - refined with truffle, Aroma: truffle scent, Flavour: harmonic - well-balanced - persistent hints of truffle, Consistency: creamy - soft, Maturation: 3 weeks in inox stainless steel
soft cheese goat's milk, Appearance: rind has white mould and herbs - porcelain white interior, Aroma: white mushrooms - scent of goat's milk and moutain herbs, Flavour: strong flavour - salty - velvety - elegant, Consistency: soft - creamy, Maturation: 2 weeks in the natural cellar
This hand-scooped Camembert of cow's raw milk is improved with high-quality Pistazien Bronte which grow up in the north slopes of the Sicilian volcano Etna. The pistacios distinguish themselves by an unmistakeable, slightly resinous taste and are picked by hand - one after the other. It doesn't surprise that they count without doubt to the very best pistacios and are appreciated gourmets as gourmet-cooks.