Own production on the gramme court
30 years ago Luis Moser the Sarntal, in Bolzano-Gries opened a butcher's shop. After 5 years he moved in the Sarntal, directly in the village centre of Sarnthein. Furthermore he smoked tradition-conscious bacon, handle and farm sausages in the cellar of his home court, at the gramme court in the Sarntal, with special herbal mixture after old traditional farm preion.
"ars distillandi aurum potabile"
"The art of distilling drinkable gold”: This was how particularly successful distillate was described in the middle ages. Throughout its long history the distillery Pircher Brennerei has remained true to this saying.
Quality right the start!
The hotel butcher's is a real and proper quality activity. We only meat with a certified origin for our vast range of products. Our specialities include speck, smoked salamini, home-cured ham as well as a large ion of sausages and various types of canederli (bread dumplings with sausages) which are produced according to a traditional home-made recipe.
Quality, Health, Tradition... this is the recipe for success that has helped the Trenker Bakery to become one of South Tyrol’s leading bakery companies.
Dive into our world of bread and experience the uniqueness of Trenker’s bread and baked goods!
Qualità naturalmente!
Oggi come allora utilizziamo prodotti naturali badando alla qualità già all'acquisto - come da tradizione - per produrre specialità culinarie di Alto livello. Questa è la nostra filosofia!
Qualità al 100% da madre natura.
We are eleven enterprises Tauferer Ahrntal and invite you to get to know our farms and offers. Most of the farms are at the disposal of 3 flowers – the South Tyrolean quality feature for holidays on the farm.
Experience holidays on our farms in a varied mountainous world, animal kingdom and plant world. Our friendly and open host families are concerned about your personal well-being every day of your holiday.
Natürliches aus Osttirol!
Erlebnis Villgrater Natur - alles rund um's Schaf, handgemachte Naturprodukte aus Schafwolle und Spezialitäten im Bauernladen, hergestellt genau so, wie es die Villgrater immer schon taten!
Specialità di formaggi con latte crudo Marerhof
I formaggi altamente genuini del Marerhof si possono considerare una prelibatezza e cultura della mensa Sudtirolese. Una vera chicca per indenditori e palati fini.
The Taste of Nature!
Lo speck SENFTER è famoso per le sue antiche tradizioni
altoatesine e per la qualità superiore.
Die echten Südtiroler Spezialitäten, Südtiroler Speck, Käse, Weine & italienische Feinkost bequem von zu Hause aus bestellen!