Il Querciolaia - 2016 - Castello di Querceto
Allergic-Info: This wine can contain sulfites
Alcoholic content: 10.50 %
yr. 2008 Wine Enthusiast:
92 of 100 Points.
"Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2008 on 12.07.2014 with 92 of 100 points.
yr. 2008 Vinous Antonio Galloni:
92 of 100 Points.
"Vinous Antonio Galloni" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2008 on 01.08.2013 with 92 of 100 points.
yr. 2008 Wine Spectator:
90 of 100 Points.
"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2008 on 31.10.2012 with 90 of 100 points.
yr. 2009 Vinous Antonio Galloni:
90 of 100 Points.
"Vinous Antonio Galloni" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2009 on 01.09.2012 with 90 of 100 points.
yr. 2007 Wine Spectator:
90 of 100 Points.
"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2007 on 15.10.2011 with 90 of 100 points.
yr. 2006 Wine Spectator:
91 of 100 Points.
"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2006 on 31.08.2010 with 91 of 100 points.
yr. 2004 Wine & Spirits Magazine:
94 of 100 Points.
"Wine & Spirits Magazine" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2004 on 01.04.2010 with 94 of 100 points.
yr. 2005 Wine Spectator:
92 of 100 Points.
"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2005 on 31.10.2009 with 92 of 100 points.
yr. 2004 Wine Spectator:
91 of 100 Points.
"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2004 on 31.10.2008 with 91 of 100 points.
yr. 2001 Wine Enthusiast:
90 of 100 Points.
"Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2001 on 04.01.2008 with 90 of 100 points.
yr. 2003 Wine Spectator:
90 of 100 Points.
"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2003 on 15.10.2007 with 90 of 100 points.
yr. 2001 Falstaff Magazin:
89 of 100 Points.
"Falstaff Magazin" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2001 on 03.11.2006 with 89 of 100 points.
yr. 2000 Wine Spectator:
84 of 100 Points.
"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2000 on 31.10.2005 with 84 of 100 points.
yr. 1999 Wine Spectator:
88 of 100 Points.
"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 1999 on 31.12.2004 with 88 of 100 points.
yr. 1998 Falstaff Magazin:
89 of 100 Points.
"Falstaff Magazin" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 1998 on 02.01.2004 with 89 of 100 points.
yr. 1998 Wine Spectator:
87 of 100 Points.
"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 1998 on 31.10.2003 with 87 of 100 points.
yr. 1997 Wine Spectator:
87 of 100 Points.
"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 1997 on 15.11.2001 with 87 of 100 points.
yr. 1996 Wine Spectator:
84 of 100 Points.
"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 1996 on 15.10.2000 with 84 of 100 points.
yr. 1995 Wine Spectator:
89 of 100 Points.
"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 1995 on 30.11.1999 with 89 of 100 points.
yr. 2004 CellarTracker:
92 of 100 Points.
"CellarTracker" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2004 with 92 of 100 points.
yr. 2009 Stephen Tanzer:
90 of 100 Points.
"Stephen Tanzer" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 2009 with 90 of 100 points.
yr. 1997 Stephen Tanzer:
89 of 100 Points.
"Stephen Tanzer" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT, Tuscany, Italy" the vintage 1997 with 89 of 100 points.
yr. 2015 Raffaele Vecchione -
96 of 100 Points.
"Raffaele Vecchione -" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT" the vintage 2015 on 01.07.2020 with 96 of 100 points.
"Pienezza e sostanza descrivono il carattere olfattivo di questo rosso che cela l'intrigo nel calice con note timide di violetta selvatica, fiori di ibisco, fiori di agapanto e ciliegia poco matura. Il sottofondo di egregia qualità si racconta con note di lavanda e prugne blu definendo in modo quasi prepotente il bellissimo carattere a metà tra i colori neri ed i colori rossi della natura. Corpo medio-pieno, elegante nella matrice tannica grazie alla presenza importante dei polifenoli maturi di natura vellutata estratti e domati sapientemente. Il finale resta dello stesso spessore dell'attacco sottile e fragile pur tracciando e descrivendo una deliziosa ellisse nella chiusura circolare che si avvicina alla perfezione. Un blend di Sangiovese e Cabernet Sauvignon. Meglio dal 2023."
yr. 2015 Falstaff:
89 of 100 Points.
"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT" the vintage 2015 on 01.02.2020 with 89 of 100 points.
"Sattes Granat. Würzig-animalische Nase, pfeffrig, nach Blut, auch nach Kalk, braucht Luft. Am Gaumen sehr griffig, würzig, ungestüm, hat zwar saftige Frucht und gute Säure, bremst den Trunk allerdings mit zu viel Tannin im Abgang."
yr. 2013 Falstaff:
93 of 100 Points.
"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT" the vintage 2013 on 01.02.2019 with 93 of 100 points.
"Intensives, kompaktes und dunkles Rubinrot. In der Nase ätherisch, intensiv animalisch, würzig, im Nachhall nach Honig und Pech. Am Gaumen hingegen saftig und klar, sehr fruchtig und präzise, dicht gewobenes und saftiges Tannin, lebendig und vibrierend, tolle Länge, kontroverser Wein."
yr. 2001 Falstaff:
89 of 100 Points.
"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT" the vintage 2001 on 01.11.2006 with 89 of 100 points.
"Funkelndes Rubin mit leichtem Granatrand; zugängliche Nase mit schöner reifer Frucht, nach Kirschen, feine Brombeernoten, Unterholz und Gewürznelken; entfaltet sich am Gaumen mit griffigem Tannin, salzig, charmante reife Fruchtnoten, wird im hinteren Bereich ein wenig weitmaschig."
yr. 1998 Falstaff:
89 of 100 Points.
"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT" the vintage 1998 on 01.01.2004 with 89 of 100 points.
"Leuchtendes Rubin; duftet in der Nase nach Holunderbeeren, Brombeeren; entfaltet sich mit viel saftiger Frucht, viel kerniges, zupackendes Tannin, gut eingebunden, im Finale nach Cassis und Lakritze."
yr. 2013 Wine Enthusiast:
88 of 100 Points.
"Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Castello di Querceto 'Il Querciolaia' Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT" the vintage 2013 on 01.05.2019 with 88 of 100 points.