Wood Sculpture Madonna Bawaria coloured - Dolfi
Sculpture in wood of Our Lady of Bavaria. The Virgin Mary is depicted with holding her Child Jesus. The wood is finely decorated with inlaid, portrayed the veil of the Madonna as moved by the wind of heaven. The Madonna holds a golden scepter, and the Child Jesus a ball, respectively the symbols of the power of God and understanding of the universe.
Wood Sculpture Our Lady of Lourdes coloured - Dolfi
Image depicting the apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes. This statue of Our Lady of Lourdes is carved in wood and is finely decorated by hand. In this sacred image, the Madonna is reproduced with the veil and typical colors. In particular, this statue of Our Lady of Lourdes is made with the white tunic and belt of heaven, as shown by Bernadette after the apparitions. The highlight is the particular of pink roses made in relief at the foot of the sculpture of the Virgin Mary.
Wood Sculpture Pope Benedict XVI. coloured - Dolfi
Wood Sculpture of Pope Benedict XVI in place of blessing. The statue is a very realistic reproduction of the Pope carved well in detail is the papal coat with the symbols of the Vatican and the face of the Pope.
Wood Sculpture Saint Michael Archangel coloured - Dolfi
Sculpture in wood that represents the Archangel Michael intent to tame a demon. At this carving the Archangel statue is like a warrior. The armor is decorated and inlaid in every detail: the Roman sandals, to the iron covered body.
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