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Tenute Marchesi Chianti Classico Riserva - 2017 - Antinori

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from 39,90 EUR in stock
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53,20 EUR/lt.
Product No.: K434
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4663 ratings

Caratteristiche: Durante la vendemmia, iniziata nella seconda metà di settembre, è stata fatta un'accurata selezione delle uve delle tre proprietà Antinori situate nel Chianti Classico Tignanello, Badia a Passignano e Pèppoli. Dopo la diraspatura e una pigiatura soffice, le varietà sono state vinificate separatamente. La macerazione è avvenuta in parte in tini di legno da 50hl (dove, periodicamente, vengono ripetute delle follature per ottenere una migliore estrazione di colore, di complessità e di tannini), e parte in serbatoi di acciaio inox, per un periodo di ca. 15 giorni. Durante questa fase, il vino ha completato anche la fermentazione alcoolica ad una temperature non superiore ai 30°C. Il vino è stato poi introdotto in barriques nuove, di un anno e di due anni di età (Alliers & Troncais), dove entro la fine dell'anno ha completato la fermentazione malolattica. Successivamente il vino è stato travasato per l'assemblaggio dei differenti lotti provenienti dalle varie proprietà e varietà, e riportato in barriques dove ha riposato per ca. 14 mesi, al termine dei quali si è proceduto all'imbottigliamento. Ha fatto seguito un affinamento in bottiglia di almeno 12 mesi prima dell'introduzione sul mercato. Alcool: 13,00% Vol. Il Tenute Marchese Antinori Riserva è prodotto soltanto nelle annate migliori, esclusivamente dalle uve migliori delle proprietà della famiglia Antinori di Tignanello, Badia a Passignano e Pèppoli nella zona di Mercatale Val di Pesa nel Chianti Classico. Rosso rubino intenso con leggere sfumature granato, ha un aroma pronunciato di ciliegia e violetta con sentori di tabacco. E' un vino corposo e rotondo, di notevole piacevolezza.

Allergic-Info: This wine can contain sulfites

Alcoholic content: 13.00 %

yr. 2007 Jeannie Cho Lee:


86 of 100 Points.

"Jeannie Cho Lee" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2007 on 01.11.2012 with 86 of 100 points.

"Well made Chianti with nice flavours and balance. Palate has dark cherries, black tea leaves and velvety tannins. Good length."

yr. 2013 Wine Spectator:


93 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2013 on 15.10.2016 with 93 of 100 points.

yr. 2011 Wine & Spirits Magazine:


88 of 100 Points.

"Wine & Spirits Magazine" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2011 on 01.04.2016 with 88 of 100 points.

yr. 2013 Wine Enthusiast:


89 of 100 Points.

"Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2013 on 06.01.2016 with 89 of 100 points.

yr. 2011 Wine Spectator:


91 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2011 on 31.10.2015 with 91 of 100 points.

yr. 2012 Wine Spectator:


88 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2012 on 31.10.2015 with 88 of 100 points.

yr. 2012 Wine Enthusiast:


92 of 100 Points.

"Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2012 on 09.01.2015 with 92 of 100 points.

yr. 2010 Wine Spectator:


90 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2010 on 15.10.2014 with 90 of 100 points.

yr. 2011 Vinous Antonio Galloni:


89 of 100 Points.

"Vinous Antonio Galloni" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2011 on 01.09.2014 with 89 of 100 points.

yr. 2009 Wine Spectator:


88 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2009 on 30.04.2014 with 88 of 100 points.

yr. 2010 Falstaff Magazin:


92 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff Magazin" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2010 on 14.02.2014 with 92 of 100 points.

yr. 2009 Wine Enthusiast:


89 of 100 Points.

"Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2009 on 04.01.2014 with 89 of 100 points.

yr. 2008 Wine Spectator:


90 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2008 on 31.08.2013 with 90 of 100 points.

yr. 2009 Vinous Antonio Galloni:


91 of 100 Points.

"Vinous Antonio Galloni" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2009 on 01.08.2013 with 91 of 100 points.

yr. 2009 Falstaff Magazin:


91 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff Magazin" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2009 on 15.02.2013 with 91 of 100 points.

yr. 2007 Wine Spectator:


90 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2007 on 30.09.2012 with 90 of 100 points.

yr. 2008 Vinous Antonio Galloni:


91 of 100 Points.

"Vinous Antonio Galloni" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2008 on 01.09.2012 with 91 of 100 points.

yr. 2008 Falstaff Magazin:


92 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff Magazin" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2008 on 10.02.2012 with 92 of 100 points.

yr. 2007 Wine Enthusiast:


89 of 100 Points.

"Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2007 on 05.01.2012 with 89 of 100 points.

yr. 2007 Vinous Antonio Galloni:


91 of 100 Points.

"Vinous Antonio Galloni" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2007 on 01.08.2011 with 91 of 100 points.

yr. 2006 Wine Spectator:


90 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2006 on 15.10.2010 with 90 of 100 points.

yr. 2005 Wine Spectator:


91 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2005 on 15.10.2009 with 91 of 100 points.

yr. 2018 Falstaff:


91 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva" the vintage 2018 on 01.02.2021 with 91 of 100 points.

"Dunkles Rubin. Nach satten Kirschen, Edelhölzern und schwarzem Pfeffer in der Nase, erinnert im Nachhall an Brombeergelee, etwas Rosenblatt, feinduftig. Präsentiert sich ausgewogen und mit schönem Fächer am Gaumen, knackige Säure unterstützt die klare Frucht, mit salzigem Kern, druckvolles Finish."

yr. 2016 Falstaff:


91 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva" the vintage 2016 on 01.02.2020 with 91 of 100 points.

"Dunkel leuchtendes Rubinrot. In der Nase nach feiner Holzwürze, rote Beerenfrucht, auch rauchig, im Nachhall nach Pech, offenherzig. Am Gaumen griffig und noch jung, zeigt auch klare Kirschfrucht mit würzigem Touch, druckvoll, im Finale saftig."

yr. 2015 Falstaff:


92 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva" the vintage 2015 on 01.02.2019 with 92 of 100 points.

"Funkelndes, sattes Rubin. Duftet nach frischen Kirschen und Lakritze, im Hintergrund feine mediterrane Gewürze. Saftig und rund am Gaumen, zeigt viel feinmaschiges Tannin, süße Frucht."

yr. 2010 Falstaff:


92 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva" the vintage 2010 on 01.02.2014 with 92 of 100 points.

"Kraftvolles, dunkles Rubin. Beeindruckende, offene und intensive Nase, zeigt Noten nach Brombeere, etwas Gewürznelken, viel Zimt, einladend. Am Gaumen elegantes, engmaschiges Tannin, baut sich schön auf, zeigt auch schöne Frucht, entwickelt im hinteren Bereich dann satten Druck, langer Nachhall, salzig."

yr. 2009 Falstaff:


91 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva" the vintage 2009 on 01.02.2013 with 91 of 100 points.

"Funkelndes Rubin. Kompakte Nase mit Noten nach reifen Brombeeren und Zwetschken, im Hintergrund leicht erdige Töne. Stoffig und fest in Ansatz und Verlauf, viel reife Frucht, öffnet sich mit dichtem, kernigem Tannin, baut sich lange auf, im Finale schöner Nachhall."

yr. 2008 Falstaff:


92 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva" the vintage 2008 on 01.02.2012 with 92 of 100 points.

"Glänzendes, sattes Rubin. Sehr fein gezeichnete Nase, duftet nach Zwetschgen und Himbeere. Klar und geradlinig am Gaumen, entfaltet sich mit geschliffenem Tannin, viel reife Kirsche, im Finale guter Druck, saftig, blüht nach einiger Belüftung nochmals toll auf."

yr. 2003 Falstaff:


89 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva" the vintage 2003 on 01.11.2006 with 89 of 100 points.

"Sattes, dunkles Rubin; intensive, fleischige Nase mit Aromen nach dunklem Flieder, Brombeere, Johannisbeere, sehr klar; kommt am Gaumen mit straffem Tannin, griffig, viel Zwetschke, wird im"

yr. 2000 Falstaff:


88 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva" the vintage 2000 on 01.01.2004 with 88 of 100 points.

"Sattes Rubin-Violett; sehr klare, einprägsame Nase, nach Waldhimbeeren, dunkle Rosen, etwas Tabak; saftiger Ansatz im Mund, entfaltet sich geschmeidig, feine Himbeerfrucht, im Finale fehlt dann leider etwas, hart, kann sich mit Lagerung noch weiter steigern."

yr. 2017 Wine Enthusiast:


91 of 100 Points.

"Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva" the vintage 2017 on 01.12.2020 with 91 of 100 points.

yr. 2016 Wine Enthusiast:


92 of 100 Points.

"Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva" the vintage 2016 on 01.04.2020 with 92 of 100 points.

yr. 2016 Wine Spectator:


90 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva" the vintage 2016 on 01.07.2019 with 90 of 100 points.

yr. 2015 Wine Spectator:


93 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva" the vintage 2015 on 01.10.2018 with 93 of 100 points.

yr. 2014 Wine Enthusiast:


91 of 100 Points.

"Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva" the vintage 2014 on 01.01.2018 with 91 of 100 points.

yr. 2014 Wine Spectator:


91 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Tenuta Tignanello 'Marchese Antinori' Riserva" the vintage 2014 on 01.07.2017 with 91 of 100 points.

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Tenute Marchesi Chianti Classico Riserva - 2017 - Antinori Jungle Crunch Delikat Gold - Gramm 375 gr.
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Tenute Marchesi Chianti Classico Riserva - 2017 - Antinori
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  Jungle Crunch Delikat Gold - Gramm 375 gr.
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Buy now this product together with Oltre - 2019 - Specogna Winery
Tenute Marchesi Chianti Classico Riserva - 2017 - Antinori Oltre - 2019 - Specogna Winery
80,15 EUR
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Tenute Marchesi Chianti Classico Riserva - 2017 - Antinori
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  Oltre - 2019 - Specogna Winery
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Jungle Crunch Delikat Gold - Gramm 375 gr.

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Prezzofrom 8,60 EUR
( 2,29 EUR/100 gr.)

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The Chardonnay is characterized by classy opulence with many exotic fruits in aroma and taste along with delicate, delicious toasty aromas. The complex bouquet brings to mind apricots, coconuts and bananas. Extract and acid form an attractive balance, the taste is round, and equally strong and fine, with velvety fruit and well-integrated tannin. A complex, elegant Chardonnay with enormous storage potential. Grape varierty: 100% Alto Adige Chardonnay.

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Color: deep ruby to garnet red with a delicate shimmer of violet. Smell: The aroma reveals earthy, minerally notes masterfully underpinned with fruit components, with morello cherry and plum jam dominating. Taste: These peaty, spicy and yet velvety fruit notes also intrigue the palate, where this Lagrein Riserva presents itself with multilayered opulence and great complexity.

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Prezzofrom 29,65 EUR
( 39,53 EUR/lt.)

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