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Peppoli Chianti Classico - 2022 - cantina Antinori

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31,67 EUR/lt.
Product No.: 8033
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4140 ratings

Caratteristiche: Durante la vendemmia, è stata fatta un'accurata selezione delle uve provenienti dalla Tenuta di Pèppoli, situata nel Chianti Classico. Dopo la diraspatura e una pigiatura soffice, la macerazione è avvenuta in serbatoi di acciaio per un periodo di ca. 10 giorni. Durante questa fase, il vino ha completato la fermentazione alcoolica, ad una temperatura non superiore ai 28°C. Entro la fine dell'anno, il vino ha completato anche la fermentazione malolattica dopo di che è stato introdotto in botti di rovere di Slavonia da 55 hl e per un 10% in barriques di rovere americano dove si è affinato per un periodo massimo di 9 mesi. L'affinamento ha permesso al vino di mantenere i profumi originari ma anche di rendere gli aromi più complessi grazie all'apporto della barrique americana. Dopo l'imbottigliamento ha fatto seguito un ulteriore periodo di affinamento in bottiglia, prima della introduzione sul mercato. Alcool : 13% Vol. Pèppoli è stato introdotto nell'anno 1988 con la prima annata 1985 e rappresenta la combinazione di un vino complesso, ben strutturato ma con un carattere fruttato, pieno di aromi. Questo stile di vino è reso possibile grazie ad un microclima unico. I vigneti sono piantati in una vallata particolarmente favorevole e su terreni ricchi in minerali, che sono ideali per la coltivazione di un Sangiovese pieno di vitalità e di carattere fruttato. La Tenuta di Pèppoli, situata nel cuore del Chianti Classico, è di 100 ha. di cui 55 ha sono vigneti. Profumo intenso di frutta matura e leggere note di vaniglia. Al gusto il vino è equilibrato; ad una ottima struttura abbina una ottima gradevolezza. (Pèppoli è concepito per essere consumato abbastanza giovane, quando i suoi aromi fruttati sono al massimo).

Allergic-Info: This wine can contain sulfites

Alcoholic content: 13.50 %

yr. 2009 Jeannie Cho Lee:


80 of 100 Points.

"Jeannie Cho Lee" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2009 on 28.11.2012 with 80 of 100 points.

"Light, cherry flavoured fairly simple Chianti with short finish. Drink young. Tasted in: Hong Kong, China. Maturity: Drink."

yr. 2014 Wine Spectator:


87 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2014 on 15.10.2016 with 87 of 100 points.

yr. 2014 Gilbert & Gaillard:


89 of 100 Points.

"Gilbert & Gaillard" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2014 on 01.06.2016 with 89 of 100 points.

yr. 2014 Wine Enthusiast:


87 of 100 Points.

"Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2014 on 06.01.2016 with 87 of 100 points.

yr. 2013 Luca Gardini:


88 of 100 Points.

"Luca Gardini" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2013 on 01.01.2016 with 88 of 100 points.

yr. 2012 Wine Spectator:


89 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2012 on 31.10.2015 with 89 of 100 points.

yr. 2013 Wine Spectator:


88 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2013 on 31.10.2015 with 88 of 100 points.

yr. 2013 Wine Enthusiast:


89 of 100 Points.

"Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2013 on 09.01.2015 with 89 of 100 points.

yr. 2011 Wine Enthusiast:


88 of 100 Points.

"Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2011 on 04.01.2014 with 88 of 100 points.

yr. 2009 Wine & Spirits Magazine:


90 of 100 Points.

"Wine & Spirits Magazine" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2009 on 01.04.2013 with 90 of 100 points.

yr. 2009 Wine Enthusiast:


87 of 100 Points.

"Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2009 on 04.01.2013 with 87 of 100 points.

yr. 2009 Wine Spectator:


88 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2009 on 30.09.2012 with 88 of 100 points.

yr. 2010 Vinous Antonio Galloni:


89 of 100 Points.

"Vinous Antonio Galloni" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2010 on 01.09.2012 with 89 of 100 points.

yr. 2008 Wine Spectator:


87 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2008 on 15.10.2011 with 87 of 100 points.

yr. 2007 Vinous Antonio Galloni:


88 of 100 Points.

"Vinous Antonio Galloni" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2007 on 01.07.2010 with 88 of 100 points.

yr. 2007 Wine Spectator:


90 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2007 on 31.10.2009 with 90 of 100 points.

yr. 2006 Vinum Wine Magazine:


15 of 20 Points.

"Vinum Wine Magazine" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2006 on 01.11.2008 with 15 of 20 points.

yr. 2006 Wine Spectator:


90 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2006 on 30.09.2008 with 90 of 100 points.

yr. 2005 Vinum Wine Magazine:


15 of 20 Points.

"Vinum Wine Magazine" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2005 on 01.02.2008 with 15 of 20 points.

yr. 2005 Wine Spectator:


88 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2005 on 31.10.2007 with 88 of 100 points.

yr. 2004 Vinum Wine Magazine:


16 of 20 Points.

"Vinum Wine Magazine" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli, Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy" the vintage 2004 on 01.12.2006 with 16 of 20 points.

yr. 2018 Falstaff:


92 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli" the vintage 2018 on 01.11.2020 with 92 of 100 points.

"Funkelndes, intensives Rubin mit leichtem Granatschimmer. Sehr duftige und präsente Nase nach reifer Kirsche und würzigem Kardamom. Klar und geradlinig im Ansatz, öffnet sich mit feinmaschigem, präzisem Tannin, feine Frucht, sehr guter Trinkfluss."

yr. 2017 Falstaff:


90 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli" the vintage 2017 on 01.11.2019 with 90 of 100 points.

"Hell leuchtendes Rubin. Zeigt sich in der Nase mit zartem Walderdbeerduft, zartes Unterholz. Am Gaumen saftig und ausgewogen, fein gesponnenes Tannin, im Finale zarter Nachdruck."

yr. 2016 Falstaff:


90 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli" the vintage 2016 on 01.11.2018 with 90 of 100 points.

"Funkelndes, dichtes Rubin-Granat. Klare und intensive Nase mit ausgeprägten Noten nach Himbeere und Lakritze. Salzig und saftig am Gaumen, nach Zwetschken, öffnet sich mit griffigem Tannin. Othmar Kiem, Simon Staffler"

yr. 2015 Falstaff:


91 of 100 Points.

"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli" the vintage 2015 on 01.11.2017 with 91 of 100 points.

"Glänzendes Rubin mit feinem Granatschimmer. Klare und intensive Nase, satt nach reifen Kirschen und Brombeeren, etwas Zwetschken. Am Gaumen griffiges, feinmaschiges Tannin, im Finale fester Druck, feine Himbeeren."

yr. 2018 Wine Enthusiast:


90 of 100 Points.

"Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli" the vintage 2018 on 01.11.2020 with 90 of 100 points.

yr. 2017 Wine Spectator:


88 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli" the vintage 2017 on 01.09.2020 with 88 of 100 points.

yr. 2017 Wine Enthusiast:


90 of 100 Points.

"Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli" the vintage 2017 on 01.04.2020 with 90 of 100 points.

yr. 2017 The Wine Front:


90 of 100 Points.

"The Wine Front" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli" the vintage 2017 on 01.12.2019 with 90 of 100 points.

yr. 2016 Wine Spectator:


89 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli" the vintage 2016 on 01.04.2019 with 89 of 100 points.

yr. 2015 Wine Enthusiast:


90 of 100 Points.

"Wine Enthusiast" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli" the vintage 2015 on 01.01.2018 with 90 of 100 points.

yr. 2015 Wine Spectator:


90 of 100 Points.

"Wine Spectator" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli" the vintage 2015 on 01.07.2017 with 90 of 100 points.

yr. 2015 Vinum Wine Magazine:


15 of 20 Points.

"Vinum Wine Magazine" has rated the wine "Marchesi Antinori Peppoli" the vintage 2015 on 01.03.2017 with 15 of 20 points.

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