Colore: rosso rubino scuro ed intenso con riflessi viola
Profumo: intenso fruttato con profumo di more mature, saporito con aromi di cioccolato amaro.
Sapore: fresco e ricco di concianti sostanziosi, fruttato, salato e succoso con un piacevole asprigno.
Come si serve: con carni rosse e selvaggina, piatti alla griglia e formaggi maturi.
Temperatura di servizio: 16° C
Allergic-Info: This wine can contain sulfites
yr. 2015 Falstaff Magazin:
89 of 100 Points.
"Falstaff Magazin" has rated the wine "Tenute Kornell 'Greif' Alto Adige, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy" the vintage 2015 on 06.07.2016 with 89 of 100 points.
yr. 2014 Falstaff Magazin:
87 of 100 Points.
"Falstaff Magazin" has rated the wine "Tenute Kornell 'Greif' Alto Adige, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy" the vintage 2014 on 23.06.2015 with 87 of 100 points.
yr. 2013 Vinum Wine Magazine:
15 of 20 Points.
"Vinum Wine Magazine" has rated the wine "Tenute Kornell 'Greif' Alto Adige, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy" the vintage 2013 on 01.02.2015 with 15 of 20 points.
yr. 2012 Falstaff Magazin:
90 of 100 Points.
"Falstaff Magazin" has rated the wine "Tenute Kornell 'Greif' Alto Adige, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy" the vintage 2012 on 24.06.2014 with 90 of 100 points.
yr. 2011 Falstaff Magazin:
88 of 100 Points.
"Falstaff Magazin" has rated the wine "Tenute Kornell 'Greif' Alto Adige, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy" the vintage 2011 on 25.06.2013 with 88 of 100 points.
yr. 2004 Vinum Wine Magazine:
15 of 20 Points.
"Vinum Wine Magazine" has rated the wine "Tenute Kornell 'Greif' Alto Adige, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy" the vintage 2004 with 15 of 20 points.
Alcoholic content: 12.50 %
yr. 2015 Falstaff Magazin:
89 of 100 Points.
"Falstaff Magazin" has rated the wine "Tenute Kornell 'Greif' Alto Adige, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy" the vintage 2015 on 06.07.2016 with 89 of 100 points.
yr. 2014 Falstaff Magazin:
87 of 100 Points.
"Falstaff Magazin" has rated the wine "Tenute Kornell 'Greif' Alto Adige, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy" the vintage 2014 on 23.06.2015 with 87 of 100 points.
yr. 2013 Vinum Wine Magazine:
15 of 20 Points.
"Vinum Wine Magazine" has rated the wine "Tenute Kornell 'Greif' Alto Adige, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy" the vintage 2013 on 01.02.2015 with 15 of 20 points.
yr. 2012 Falstaff Magazin:
90 of 100 Points.
"Falstaff Magazin" has rated the wine "Tenute Kornell 'Greif' Alto Adige, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy" the vintage 2012 on 24.06.2014 with 90 of 100 points.
yr. 2011 Falstaff Magazin:
88 of 100 Points.
"Falstaff Magazin" has rated the wine "Tenute Kornell 'Greif' Alto Adige, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy" the vintage 2011 on 25.06.2013 with 88 of 100 points.
yr. 2004 Vinum Wine Magazine:
15 of 20 Points.
"Vinum Wine Magazine" has rated the wine "Tenute Kornell 'Greif' Alto Adige, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy" the vintage 2004 with 15 of 20 points.
yr. 2019 Falstaff:
91 of 100 Points.
"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Tenute Kornell 'Greif' Alto Adige" the vintage 2019 on 01.07.2020 with 91 of 100 points.
"Strahlendes Purpur mit aufhellendem Rand. Würzige Nase, offenherzig, nach Herzkirschen, Pflaumen, einem Hauch Siegellack, dezenter Pfefferwürze, im Nachhall nach Schokorosinen. Am Gaumen floreales Bouquet, zarte Würze, saftig und mit klarer Frucht, fließt schön vor sich hin, im Nachhall sogar ein wenig Schmelz spürbar."
yr. 2018 Falstaff:
89 of 100 Points.
"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Tenute Kornell 'Greif' Alto Adige" the vintage 2018 on 01.10.2019 with 89 of 100 points.
"Tiefes, sattes Purpur. In der Nase nach Brombeeren und Veilchen, verrät leichten Kaffeesatz. Im Ansatz zunächst geschmeidig, öffnet sich feinwürzig und griffig, wirkt sortentypisch und in sich stimmig, im Abgang noch jung und ruppig."
yr. 2016 Falstaff:
90 of 100 Points.
"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Tenute Kornell 'Greif' Alto Adige" the vintage 2016 on 01.06.2017 with 90 of 100 points.
"Sattes, tiefdunkles Rubinviolett. Kompakte Nase mit satten Noten nach Brombeeren und Zwetschken, im Hintergrund feine Bitterschokolade. Stoffig in Ansatz und Verlauf, zeigt Noten nach dunklen Kirschen und Brombeeren, schöner Trinkfluss, im hinteren Bereich feinmaschiges Tannin, saftig."
yr. 2012 Falstaff:
90 of 100 Points.
"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Tenute Kornell 'Greif' Alto Adige" the vintage 2012 on 01.06.2014 with 90 of 100 points.
"Funkelndes, dunkles Rubinviolett. Feine, ansprechende Nase, duftet nach dunklen Kirschen und Brombeeren, im Hintergrund leicht würzige Noten. Am Gaumen fein und geschliffen, öffnet sich mit feinmaschigem Tannin, saftig, langer Nachhall."
yr. 2015 Falstaff:
89 of 100 Points.
"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Tenute Kornell 'Greif' Alto Adige" the vintage 2015 on 01.07.2016 with 89 of 100 points.
yr. 2014 Falstaff:
87 of 100 Points.
"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Tenute Kornell 'Greif' Alto Adige" the vintage 2014 on 01.06.2015 with 87 of 100 points.
yr. 2011 Falstaff:
88 of 100 Points.
"Falstaff" has rated the wine "Tenute Kornell 'Greif' Alto Adige" the vintage 2011 on 01.06.2013 with 88 of 100 points.