Biological Cream Cheese appr. 400 gr. - Dairy Danzl - Tiroler Schmankerl
Certificated Quality:
A steep southern slope at the foot of Ritten with deep morainic soils, which consist of sandy loam and the topsoil consists of the Bolzano porphyry plate. Here grow fruity-mineral wines.
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Our „Kukuck“ is a very characterful wine that stands out many organic onces with its peculiarity and high quality. As mineral, fruity, fresh and persistent, it inspires almost everyone and will be long remembered on the palate and in the mind. It is a cuvée of 30% Solaris and 70% Muscaris, both fungus-resistant grape varieties that have a good resistance to downy mildew and powdery mildew and thus enable us to work completely naturally and without chemical pesticides phytosanitary products.
Table Parmesan - an original Italian Stravecchio. The cheese is compact in his structure with little punching, like the Grana (Parmesan). With increasing maturity this cheese tends to become emery and fragile.
San Marzano tomatoes taste like fresh tomatoes, incomparably fruity, fragrantly and incredibly. Today the kind threatened by the extinction growns thanks to the Slow Food branch on the fertile grounds of Vesuvius again.
The Trenker Bakery's Schüttelbrot is rightfully called "handmade bread", as required by the "Südtirol" quality trademark. In fact, when he rolls out the dough for this traditional natural spice and rye bread, the baker places the dough on a round board: he shakes it until he obtains a thin disk, which is baked in the oven until it takes on the shape of a low, crisp focaccia.