Biological Alp Cheese with chives appr. 1 kg. - Dairy Danzl - Tiroler Schmankerl
Certificated Quality:
The making of Schüttelbrot is inextricably entwined with the history of South Tyrol. This rustic family recipe has been handed down generation to generation. Our 'Bauern Schüttelbrot' is made with light rye flour and carefully improved with caraway and fennel - 100% natural crunching fun, of course.
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An exceptionally effective ointment formulated with arnica at a high concentration that works with the power of massage to give relief in case of minor injuries or bruises and after strenuous exercise or muscle strain. Excellent cosmetic aid for use in sport activity. An exceptionally effective ointment formulated with the alpine plant arnica at a high concentration. Can be used to relief muscle and joint pains. Also helps in case of pain caused by bruises, sprains and strains.
Ham bacon butchery Hell, finest, fragrantly, spicy smoking bacon speck.