Mariano Gomez 'Añejo Reserva' (Mature Reserve) Serrano Hams are unique, because they are produced one by one, selecting only the best raw materials, adding very little salt and taking good care of them throughout the entire process.
Each ham is given enough time to cure properly, with patience, and always placed strategically in their natural drying houses. This is the only way to fully guarantee the quality of Mariano Gomez Serrano Hams. This careful and slow production process, where each ham is given the exact time it needs to mature, means that each ham reaches its optimum point of curing, aroma and flavour. Quality Guarantee: the moment the hams enter Mariano Gomez's facilities to when they leave, ready to eat, they are monitored by a traceability system, thereby guaranteeing food safety for the products start to finish.
Presentation: Boned ham, cut into 3 individually vacuum-packed parts.
Curing: 20 - 22 Months
Salami abruzzese ca. 400 gr. - Maletti 1867
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Spianata romana ca. 2 kg. - Maletti 1867
Spianata calabra ca. 2 kg. - Maletti 1867
Salame abruzzese "gentile" ca. 1 kg. - Maletti 1867
This carpaccio is lightly smoked and salted. It is Vaccum packed and weighs approx. 0.8 kg. Finely sliced, garnished with ruccola and parmesan cheese, it is a delicacy.